Category: The “Bewares”

May we never forget that the majesty of things made is greatly surpassed only by the majesty of the One who made it. Amnesia here or getting these mixed up brings about destructive consequences!

Building church buildings is not the same as building the church body. One big difference: materials used.

Beware of the reality that without discipline, pride can transform legitimate satisfactions to careless complacencies ad wayward wanderings.

Beware: Our rebellion against God can cause even those we seek as friends and allies to eventually become our foes and adversaries! The chastening love of God will go to great lengths in bringing His children back to Him.

Beware #6:

Beware the pernicious problem of pride that can strip success and direct our downfall through divine discipline!

Beware #5

Beware the fallacy of thinking that we are running ahead of God.

Running “ahead” of Him is actually running “apart” from Him. One can never get ‘ahead’ of the infinite Omni-God!

Beware #4

Beware dating or marrying beneath your commitment to Christ.

Beware #3

BEWARE living your life hating what God loves and loving what God hates.

Beware #2

Beware speaking with people about God BEFORE speaking with God about people!

Beware spending more time in God’s work than with God in worship!