Category: Worship and Preaching

The following had preaching specifically in its sights but the application can be made to the matter of any spiritual leadership from the platform during the time of corporate worship.

“There is an intoxication about a platform. With increased recognition must come increased brokenness, so that you don’t play with people. We have to remember we are dealing with eternal matters, with truth, with things that demand complete transparency and integrity.”

Crawford Loritts, from The Art and Craft of Biblical Preaching,

Robinson and Larsen, Zondervan

“A presentation of the truth that doesn’t arrive at the place where hearers understand that it involves movement or commitment can have an inoculation effect.

In an environment where people are sitting on the premises rather than standing on the promises, something is usually wrong with the preaching.” -Jay Kesler

-The Art and Craft of Biblical Preaching,

Robinson and Larsen, Zondervan

For many, a biblical sermon must be a “condensed dose of dignity” that saves and ennobles battered spirits. Anointed preaching “reverses gravity as people sense the upward pull of heaven.” Such a sermon treats people as “responsible agents whose choices matter forever.”

“There is no more costly gift I could have given that downtrodden woman than my best and God’s best in a sermon. It is a weekly dose of compressed dignity.” -Craig Brian Larsen

-The Art and Craft of Biblical Preaching,

Robinson and Larsen, Zondervan

The preacher, himself already deeply stirred to the roots of his own being by the text, will give people a chance to respond to his message often in silent prayer as each person is brought by the Holy Spirit to an appropriate obedience.   John Stott

-The Art and Craft of Biblical Preaching,

Robinson and Larsen, Zondervan

“To expound Scripture is to open up the inspired text with such faithfulness and sensitivity that God’s voice is heard and His people obey Him.”  -John Stott

The Art and Craft of Biblical Preaching,

Robinson and Larsen, Zondervan

Preaching vs. Worship!

In reaction to the trend that separates preaching and worship as distinct…where worship is up, preaching is down and never the twain shall meet…

“I contend that the Bible depicts preaching and worship as tightly bound in a symbiotic relationship.” Jeffrey Arthurs

-The Art and Craft of Biblical Preaching,

Robinson and Larsen, Zondervan